Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pirojki (Пирожки)

You need:
4 cups of flour
2 large eggs
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
¼ oz dry yeast
¾ cup of warm water
6 tablespoons vegetable oil to fry the ground beef
1 pound ground beef
½ chopped onion

First, make the dough. Cover it and set aside in a warm place for an hour to rise. In the mean time, prepare the stuffing. For meat stuffing use ground beef, ½ chopped onion and salt. You may add any spices you like. Fry together until well done. Once done, take out the dough and roll it into a large pancake (thickness of 3-4 mm). Cut out circles of the dough and put stuffing in the middle. Press the sides together and form a cylinder. Repeat for each Pirojka. Deep fry them until they get a nice golden-brown crust, or bake them for about 40 min.

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